Põhja pst 7, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia
The Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonian: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, EKA) is the only public university in Estonia providing higher education in art, design, architecture, media, art history and conservation-restoration. It is based in Tallinn. According to the Statutes of the EKA, the main objective of activity at the Estonian Academy of Arts is to promote creativity and research, enabling the acquirement of a contemporary higher education based on integrated study, meeting the standard of higher education in the field of fine arts, design, media, architecture, art history, conservation-restoration and teacher education. With the Estonian Minister of Education and Research' Act no.145 from February 10, 2007, the EKA was accredited by an international expert committee as an institution. The Estonian Academy of Arts has signed around 80 bilateral agreements with universities which participate in ERASMUS programme, but has also partner institutions outside the ERASMUS higher education space – in Switzerland, United States, Russia, Australia and also with some private universities within the European Union.
School Director: Mart Kalm
Population: 1500
Population of Teaching Staff: 115