Rodovia Dom Pedro I Km 136, Campinas, São Paulo.
PUC-Campinas has 37 Colleges with 45 Undergraduate Courses and 5 Graduate programs with courses to Masters and Doctorate level. Our teachers are highly qualified. It has a complete infrastructure and a built area of 196,000 m2, spread over its three Campuses. In its 75 year history, it has graduated over a 180,000 students. However, its quality and not mere quantity is the best thing PUC-Campinas has to offer. A structured, recognized and well known University, PUC-Campinas brings together all the best human and physical resources needed to provide a complete and fully rounded higher education, in line with current demands and focused on the challenges of the future. To better fill market vacancies, PUC-Campinas guarantees excellent training that leads to positions of prominence and leadership within professional spheres, in addition to promoting knowledge and furthering social involvement.
School Director:
Population: 30000
Population of Teaching Staff: