Heraklion 141 21, Greece
The School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (Greek: Ανώτατη Σχολή Παιδαγωγικής και Τεχνολογικής Εκπαίδευσης) or ASPETE (Α.Σ.ΠΑΙ.Τ.Ε.) is a Greek University which specializes in training teachers. ASPETE was founded in 2002, and took over from SELETE, a teacher training institution founded in 1959. It is a self-administered public legal entity operating in accordance with article 16, para. 5 of the Constitution, the provisions of Law 3027/2002, and the School’s Regulation. Following from the adoption of Law 3549/2007 sailer is clear that the Higher Education Institute (AEI / University) of the country consisted of two parallel sectors A) University and B) Technological Educational Institute. ASPETE belongs to the university and particularly the technology sector, together with the TEI (LAW NUM. 3549 - Reforming the institutional framework for the structure and function of higher education). The General Departments operate in accordance with the provisions of article 5, para.3 of Law 1404/1983 and are not authorized to issue degrees. The degree issued by the Departments of ASPETE qualifies its holders to teach in the corresponding discipline in secondary education; it is awarded following the completion of a course of study of eight academic semesters including the submission of a thesis and the practical work experience in the field, and is equal in status to that of TEI-s (Technological Education Institutes). In order to obtain a degree equivalent to that of TEI-s in the specific discipline, the graduates of ASPETE may attend a 1-Year Programme of Special Studies at ASPETE.
School Director: Georgios Chatzarakis
Population: 3000
Population of Teaching Staff: