ul. "Tsanko Dyustabanov" 25, 4000 Tsentar, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The branch was established in 1986 as an external unit of the Technical University (TU) - Sofia on the territory of the city of Plovdiv. By order of the Council of Ministers N 30 / 13.06.1990, the Branch became an independent legal entity. Based on the decrees of the Council of Ministers and Decisions of the Academic Council of TU - Sofia, the Branch now includes two faculties in its structure - the Faculty of Electronics and Automation (FEA) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation (FMU). In this form, the Branch is an outsourced structure of TU - Sofia, training students in the educational degrees "bachelor", "master" and "doctor" in specialties approved by the Council of Ministers. Classrooms and laboratories are located in four academic buildings. The branch has a rich library in which more than 75,000 volumes of educational and specialized technical literature are available to students. The branch has well-furnished student chairs and student dormitories with 500 seats.
School Director: Prof. Dr. Eng. Valyo Nikolov Nikolov
Population: 5000
Population of Teaching Staff: