Bolívar 2035 entre Guayaquil y Quito, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Technological Amerindian University, Ambato (UTI) is located in Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. It is locally known as Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. The university was established in 1998. It is accredited by Consejo Nacional de Educación Superior, Ecuador. We are a university accredited by the control bodies of the higher education system. We have been training professionals at the service of the country for 37 years, at our offices in Ambato and Quito. We have students from all latitudes of the country, in the modalities: face-to-face, blended and distance. Our careers and programs are articulated to the development plan of the country. Professionals trained with a high academic and research level are strengthened through principles and values; For this reason, they occupy important positions in the public and private sectors, in addition to being generators of nationally and internationally endorsed ventures.
School Director: Dr. Franklin Edmundo Tapia Defaz
Population: 20000
Population of Teaching Staff: