Via la Libertad, La Libertad, La Libertad Canton, Ecuador
Follow us on YouTube Historical review Institutional Strengthening Plan law of creation Mission and vision Location Matrix Historical Review of the Creation of the University US 26 July 2018 Views: 25611 esplanadeupse At different times and through various institutions, peninsular citizens identified with the socio-educational task of the community, carried out in their turn, a series of actions and activities to achieve the operation of a higher education center in our peninsula. In the 1980s, several state and private schools were established in the peninsular area and the need to have a higher education establishment in the Santa Elena Peninsula was felt more strongly, which would allow high school graduates, who by the hundreds, They graduated from high school classrooms to continue their higher education. From 1984 to 1994, the Municipalities of Salinas and Santa Elena and various civic institutions made efforts to institutionalize Higher Education in the Santa Elena Peninsula, achieving the operation of the University Extension of the University of Guayaquil in the areas of Industrial Engineering with the Industrial Technology Program; Philosophy and Letters, Commercial Engineering and Languages. Despite this, the clamor of the peninsulars for having an autonomous and independent education center, in the face of the series of problems that have arisen in the various extensions, grows more and more and that is why in 1992 the PRO MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE was constituted. -UNIVERSITY IN THE SANTA ELENA PENINSULA with the participation of Abg. Xavier Tomalá Montenegro Executive Director, Carmen León de Lyle President, Abg. Pedro Reyes Laínez Vice President, Eng. Juan Montenegro Muñoz, Ángel Rubio Ortega, Dr. Miguel Pazmiño, Carmen Lyle León Vocals, Professor Milton González Santos acts as Secretary of the Executive Directorate. On August 30, 1995, Abg. Xavier Tomalá Montenegro, in his capacity as Executive Director of the management committee, presents within said committee the statement of reasons and the Bill to create the University at the state level called UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACÍFICO IN THE SANTA ELENA PENINSULA . The aforementioned project was approved by all the members of the management committee and was presented in the National Congress in September 1995, the same one that is welcomed and sponsored by the Deputy at that time, Professor Juan José Castelló and approved by the National Congress on June 9, 1996. The peninsular community received the news with great enthusiasm and at the initiative of Radio La Voz de la Península, different authorities of the peninsula were summoned to expand the management committee and establish actions and strategies to obtain final approval from the President of the Republic, Arq., Sixto Durán Ballén, who despite everything, totally vetoed the Project depriving our region of an inalienable right such as the right to Higher Education.
School Director: Eng. Nestor Acosta Lozano
Population: 20000
Population of Teaching Staff: