Av. Ñeembucu y, Pdte. Franco, Paraguay
On March 26, 1992, the Executive Branch issued Decree No. 13,039 by which the UPE was officially created. With this official document, the university was established and began to take steps in the academic field, betting strongly on higher education, with great social responsibility. UPE is the first private university in the interior of Paraguay. It began as the International Institute of Higher Education IIES. The first two qualified careers were Business Management and Administration, Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences, and Systems Analysis, Faculty of Computer Science. In 1993, the UPE created the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences with a career in Law and Social Sciences. In successive years, the Universidad Privada del Este grew without pause, accompanying the rapid demographic growth in the triple border, this border region with Brazil (Foz de Iguazú City) and Argentina (Puerto Iguazú city), which in the last 4 decades has had amazing growth. The following authorized careers were Accounting Sciences.
School Director: Prof. Lawyer Juan Bautista Gonzalez Flores
Population: 50000
Population of Teaching Staff: