Laderas del Nte. h11, Chimbote 02803, Peru
San Pedro University was created on June 25, 1988 by Law No. 24871, and consolidated by Legislative Decree No. 25969. Later, on November 3, 1993, the National Assembly of Rectors through resolution No. 648- 93-ANR, grants the definitive operating authorization to the University and the use of its full academic, economic and administrative autonomy conferred by the University Law. Once the University Assembly was formed, on May 17, 1994, Jorge Arturo Benites Robles was elected as the first Rector, and the Academic and Administrative Vice-Rectors, Arnulfo Becerra Alfaro and Javier Azparrent Taipe, respectively.
School Director: Dr. Gilmer Diaz Tello
Population: 13000
Population of Teaching Staff: