R. Joana Angélica, 63- Ipanema.
When the Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences was created on June 2, 1919 – the first branch of our university trajectory –, the first university research institute in Rio de Janeiro was established. The seed was planted, prophetically. The founders understood that the formality of transmitting knowledge would be of no use without the shock of experimentation, in a country accustomed to the exhaustive reproduction of overseas models and the disguising of reality, on which it was based. We insist on the promise and stubbornness of what came to be, in 1963, the realization, under the same acronym, of the first private organization of research in Social Sciences, which is our House of Excellence, now in Praça Pio X. The first Faculty of Economics and Higher Accounting in the country was created, together with Álvares Penteado, in São Paulo, until the end of the 1930s, we maintained the role of providing the final curriculum for these disciplines. We foresee the scientific study of power finally becoming the first postgraduate course in Political Science in the country in 1967, which was added to Sociology at the same level of academic demand. We idealize, like Clark Kerr, multiversity, not the classic and poor profile of studies crowded into a single campus. We thought of a clear pattern of our basic offer of Social Sciences – Law, Economics, Administration, Higher Accounting – in its main office in Praça XV. We were moved by the idea of reproducing this same module of excellence and tradition, beaten more than half a century ago, in other areas of Rio de Janeiro. We reproduced it in Ipanema, offering another teaching option in an area traditionally delimited, then, between the task of PUC and Santa Úrsula. We continued with the implant in Campos and Friburgo. The idea of creating a first private didactic space, progressively covering the entire dimension of the state, presided over the expansion. At the same time, it was about avoiding forced migrations of students within Rio de Janeiro, with the risk, many times, of cutting off the flower – with the lack of returning to the mainland – vocations, in the North or in the Center Fluminense , capable of giving the best of themselves, if they returned, in fact, to the environment in which they emerged. Next, the campuses of Niterói, Tijuca, Méier, In the thread of sayings, we are not silent on authoritarianism, and in the winter of the controversy that silenced Brazil, its debate and its franchises of spirit, from 1964 onwards. During the years of the military regime, Candido Mendes was able to invite several international thinkers, maintain up to date the restlessness of Brazilian knowledge and open it to the demands of humanism. Arnold Toynbee, Gunnar Myrdal, Justice Douglas of the American Supreme Court, Edgar Morin, Bob Kennedy, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, Georges Lavau, Everett Hagen, Samuel Huntington, Alex Inkeles, Talcott Parsons, all, protopersonas, gave us their word and the direction of their knowledge, in a speechless country. There are 11 decades of an old passion for excellence, which is garnished with an abundance of educators or devotees of their exclusive conviction of what the best service is. In its premonition, or in the stubbornness of the values of the past, in the courses and contents of the learning offered, we maintained Roman Law and opened the first courses in Public Economic Law. We insisted on Legal Deontology and implemented the first Forensic Practice course – FUCAM –, before the practices of the Bar Exams. House of community and not of action between friends. Fierce in its beliefs and in the intransitive truth of a passion and a donaire, in what we inherit, in this work and in this obsession, from Candido Mendes Sr. (1902-1939) and Candido Mendes Junior (1939-1962).
School Director: Cândido Mendes
Population: 30000
Population of Teaching Staff: