Hofstallstrasse 6-8, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany
The Hochschule für Musik Würzburg (University of Music Würzburg) was founded in 1797 by Franz Joseph Fröhlich as Collegium musicum academicum (Academic college of music). From 1921 to 1973, it was named Bayerisches Staatskonservatorium der Musik (Bavarian State Conservatory of Music). The current name was given on 1 September 1973. The university offers a Bachelor of Music degree in artistic and educational programs: accordion conducting voice guitar historical instruments jazz church music piano composition music theory orchestral instruments organ elementary music education There are several graduate programs and the possibility of promotion. Musically gifted children and adolescents are specifically promoted by the university (musical ECI).
School Director: Christoph Wünsch
Population: 1000
Population of Teaching Staff: